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PixelDust BundleZ-Wide Brush

PixelDust Bundle

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Zoya is the Healthy Color or Fashion! Big 10 Free Ultra Long-wearing, toxin free nail polish and treatments formulated without Formaldehyde, Formaldehyde Resin, Dibutyl Phthalate, Toluene, Camphor, TPHP, Parabens, Xylene, Ethyl Tosylamide and Lead.
The Pixel Dust Bundle is a limited edition set that includes the following: Chyna (ZP657), Lorna (ZP873), and Cosmo (ZP717) in full size 0.5fl oz bottles.
The bundle also includes 3 Z-Wide Brushes
Value of Bundle is $42. Read more about PixelDust on our blog.

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